My HUAWEI phone/tablet heats up during game play

3 min. readlast update: 05.30.2024


The phone/tablet heats up during gameplay.


When playing games, your device's Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Central Processing Unit (CPU), and other chips run at a high speed, and the screen and speaker keep working, resulting in high power consumption. As a result, the device temperature increases.


  1. Avoid playing games in environments with high temperature or direct sunlight. If the ambient temperature is high, your phone/tablet will not dissipate heat effectively.
  2. Avoid playing games when your phone/tablet is charging. Heat will be generated within the device during charging, which may further increase the temperature.
  3. The following are a few tips to help you cool down your device, but they might affect your gameplay. Choose the ones that work best for you.

    (1) Reduce the screen brightness so the screen consumes less power.

    (2) Lower the media volume in speaker mode to reduce the heat generated by the speaker, or use a headset.

    (3) Disable certain gaming effects and lower the screen resolution. The power consumed by the CPU and GPU will increase if you use more gaming effects and a higher resolution.

    (4) Turn off mobile data and play games via

    Standard term:virtual interface architecture
    Definition:An API specification for direct communication among distributed applications developed by Intel, Compaq, and Microsoft. VIA reduces interprocess communication latency by obviating the need for applications to use processor interrupt or operating system paths to intercommunicate, while maintaining security on the communications path. VIA is interconnect neutral.
     Wi-Fi, which offers a more stable connection and generates less heat on the device.


  4. Close background apps that are not in use during gameplay. Power-intensive apps will continuously occupy CPU resources, which may cause your device to heat up and consume much power. You can keep common social apps (such as WeChat and TikTok) running. This ensures that your phone/tablet can start apps more quickly and receive messages timely as well.
  5. HUAWEI phones/tablets have built-in comprehensive thermal detection and protection functions. If your phone/tablet heats up severely during gameplay and the issue persists after you restart it and leave it idle for a while, back up your data on the device, and take your device and proof of purchase to a Huawei Customer Service Center for assistance.
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